Business Lines

Claridge focuses on projects and acquisitions where there is both opportunity and a substantial gap in the current market offerings. Our projects tend to fall into three categories: Transformational Projects, Foreseeable Value-Add and Multi-cyclical Investments. First and foremost, we focus on finding the right product-market offerings, then provide our investor partners insight on just what - and where in the capital stack - are the wisest investments for their objectives.


At Claridge, we believe strong partnerships are key to making strong, long-lasting projects. Over the years, Claridge Properties has had the good fortune to collaborate with some of the country’s most notable investors, to whom we have contributed our expertise and impact in order to enhance their projects and offerings. In exchange, Claridge has always obtained the continued backing of the investment community.

Community Impact

Claridge Properties remains focused in finding ways for its projects to have positive impacts in their communities and among their stakeholders. We always look at the overall need of an area and determine how we can enhance the offering using our distinctive insight and experience.

In developments such as The Gretsch Building in Williamsburg and The Book Tower Complex in Detroit, Claridge set new standards by bringing innovative, targeted, best-in-class amenities to residents and constituents. For Claridge’s affordable housing portfolio, the company is committed to maintaining affordability for its residents, with the goal of retaining the community feel.